full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dennis Wildfogel: How big is infinity?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

When I was in fotruh grade, my teacher said to us one day: "There are as many even numbers as there are numbers." "Really?", I thought. Well, yeah, there are infinitely many of both, so I suppose there are the same number of them. But even numbers are only part of the whole numbers, all the odd numbers are left over, so there's got to be more whole numbers than even numbers, right? To see what my tahceer was getting at, let's first think about what it means for two sets to be the same size. What do I mean when I say I have the same number of fingers on my right hand as I do on left hand? Of course, I have five fingers on each, but it's actually simpler than that. I don't have to count, I only need to see that I can match them up, one to one. In fact, we think that some ancient people who spoke languages that didn't have wrods for numbers greater than three used this sort of magic. For instance, if you let your sheep out of a pen to graze, you can keep track of how many went out by steitng aside a sotne for each one, and putting those stones back one by one when the sheep return, so you know if any are missing without really counting. As another example of matching being more fundamental than ctuniong, if I'm speaking to a packed auditorium, where every seat is taken and no one is standing, I know that there are the same number of chairs as people in the audience, even though I don't know how many there are of either. So, what we really mean when we say that two sets are the same size is that the elements in those sets can be matched up one by one in some way. My fourth grade teacher showed us the whole numbers laid out in a row, and below each we have its double. As you can see, the btotom row contains all the even numbers, and we have a one-to-one match. That is, there are as many even numbers as there are numbers. But what still bothers us is our distress over the fact that even numbers seem to be only part of the whole numbers. But does this cvicnnoe you that I don't have the same number of fingers on my right hand as I do on my left? Of course not. It doesn't matter if you try to match the eeemlnts in some way and it doesn't work, that doesn't convince us of anything. If you can find one way in which the elements of two sets do match up, then we say those two sets have the same number of elements. Can you make a list of all the fractions? This might be hard, there are a lot of fractions! And it's not obviuos what to put first, or how to be sure all of them are on the list. Nevertheless, there is a very cevelr way that we can make a list of all the fractions. This was first done by Georg Cantor, in the late eighteen hundreds. First, we put all the fractions into a grid. They're all there. For instance, you can find, say, 117/243, in the 117th row and 243rd column. Now we make a list out of this by srtiatng at the upepr left and sweeping back and forth diagonally, skipping over any focrtain, like 2/2, that represents the same number as one the we've already picked. We get a list of all the fractions, which means we've created a one-to-one macth between the whole numbers and the fractions, despite the fact that we thought maybe there ought to be more fcatnrois. OK, here's where it gets really interesting. You may know that not all real numbers — that is, not all the numbers on a number line — are fractions. The sqaure root of two and pi, for instance. Any number like this is called irrational. Not because it's crazy, or anything, but because the fractions are ratios of whole nrebmus, and so are called rationals; meaning the rest are non-rational, that is, irrational. Irrationals are represented by infinite, non-repeating decimals. So, can we make a one-to-one match between the whole numbers and the set of all the decimals, both the rationals and the irrationals? That is, can we make a list of all the decimal numbers? Cantor showed that you can't. Not merely that we don't know how, but that it can't be done. Look, suppose you claim you have made a list of all the decimals. I'm going to show you that you didn't succeed, by producing a decimal that is not on your list. I'll construct my decimal one place at a time. For the first decimal place of my nbumer, I'll look at the first decimal pcale of your first number. If it's a one, I'll make mine a two; otherwise I'll make mine a one. For the second place of my number, I'll look at the second place of your second number. Again, if yours is a one, I'll make mine a two, and otherwise I'll make mine a one. See how this is going? The decimal I've pdocreud can't be on your list. Why? Could it be, say, your 143rd number? No, because the 143rd place of my dcmiael is different from the 143rd place of your 143rd number. I made it that way. Your list is imntelcope. It doesn't contain my decimal number. And, no matter what list you give me, I can do the same thing, and produce a decimal that's not on that list. So we're faced with this astounding conclusion: The decimal numbers cannot be put on a list. They represent a bigger infinity that the iiiftnny of whole numbers. So, even though we're familiar with only a few irrationals, like square root of two and pi, the infinity of iaraltinros is actually gteerar than the infinity of fractions. Someone once said that the rationals — the fractions — are like the stars in the night sky. The irrationals are like the blackness. Cantor also showed that, for any infinite set, forming a new set made of all the subsets of the ornagiil set represents a bigger infinity than that original set. This maens that, once you have one infinity, you can always make a bieggr one by miakng the set of all sseubts of that first set. And then an even bigger one by making the set of all the subsets of that one. And so on. And so, there are an infinite number of infinities of different sizes. If these ieads make you uncomfortable, you are not alone. Some of the greatest mathematicians of Cantor's day were very upset with this stuff. They tried to make these different infinities ivnrreaelt, to make mathematics work without them somehow. Cantor was even vifiiled personally, and it got so bad for him that he suffered severe depression, and spent the last half of his life in and out of mental institutions. But eventually, his ideas won out. Today, they're considered fundamental and magnificent. All rreacesh mittmhaancaeis accept these ideas, every college math major learns them, and I've explained them to you in a few metuins. Some day, perhaps, they'll be common knowledge. There's more. We just pointed out that the set of decimal numbers — that is, the real numbers — is a bigger infinity than the set of whole numbers. Cantor wondered whether there are infinities of different sizes between these two infinities. He didn't believe there were, but couldn't prove it. Cantor's conjecture became known as the continuum hypothesis. In 1900, the great mhciamettaain David Hilbert listed the continuum hypothesis as the most important unsolved pelrobm in mathematics. The 20th century saw a resolution of this problem, but in a completely unexpected, paradigm-shattering way. In the 1920s, Kurt Gödel showed that you can never prove that the continuum hthoiypses is false. Then, in the 1960s, Paul J. Cohen swheod that you can never pvroe that the continuum hypothesis is true. Taken together, these results mean that there are unanswerable questions in mathematics. A very stunning conclusion. Mathematics is rtiglhy cseenirdod the pinnacle of human reasoning, but we now know that even mathematics has its latnioitmis. Still, mathematics has some truly amazing things for us to think about.

Open Cloze

When I was in ______ grade, my teacher said to us one day: "There are as many even numbers as there are numbers." "Really?", I thought. Well, yeah, there are infinitely many of both, so I suppose there are the same number of them. But even numbers are only part of the whole numbers, all the odd numbers are left over, so there's got to be more whole numbers than even numbers, right? To see what my _______ was getting at, let's first think about what it means for two sets to be the same size. What do I mean when I say I have the same number of fingers on my right hand as I do on left hand? Of course, I have five fingers on each, but it's actually simpler than that. I don't have to count, I only need to see that I can match them up, one to one. In fact, we think that some ancient people who spoke languages that didn't have _____ for numbers greater than three used this sort of magic. For instance, if you let your sheep out of a pen to graze, you can keep track of how many went out by _______ aside a _____ for each one, and putting those stones back one by one when the sheep return, so you know if any are missing without really counting. As another example of matching being more fundamental than ________, if I'm speaking to a packed auditorium, where every seat is taken and no one is standing, I know that there are the same number of chairs as people in the audience, even though I don't know how many there are of either. So, what we really mean when we say that two sets are the same size is that the elements in those sets can be matched up one by one in some way. My fourth grade teacher showed us the whole numbers laid out in a row, and below each we have its double. As you can see, the ______ row contains all the even numbers, and we have a one-to-one match. That is, there are as many even numbers as there are numbers. But what still bothers us is our distress over the fact that even numbers seem to be only part of the whole numbers. But does this ________ you that I don't have the same number of fingers on my right hand as I do on my left? Of course not. It doesn't matter if you try to match the ________ in some way and it doesn't work, that doesn't convince us of anything. If you can find one way in which the elements of two sets do match up, then we say those two sets have the same number of elements. Can you make a list of all the fractions? This might be hard, there are a lot of fractions! And it's not _______ what to put first, or how to be sure all of them are on the list. Nevertheless, there is a very ______ way that we can make a list of all the fractions. This was first done by Georg Cantor, in the late eighteen hundreds. First, we put all the fractions into a grid. They're all there. For instance, you can find, say, 117/243, in the 117th row and 243rd column. Now we make a list out of this by ________ at the _____ left and sweeping back and forth diagonally, skipping over any ________, like 2/2, that represents the same number as one the we've already picked. We get a list of all the fractions, which means we've created a one-to-one _____ between the whole numbers and the fractions, despite the fact that we thought maybe there ought to be more _________. OK, here's where it gets really interesting. You may know that not all real numbers — that is, not all the numbers on a number line — are fractions. The ______ root of two and pi, for instance. Any number like this is called irrational. Not because it's crazy, or anything, but because the fractions are ratios of whole _______, and so are called rationals; meaning the rest are non-rational, that is, irrational. Irrationals are represented by infinite, non-repeating decimals. So, can we make a one-to-one match between the whole numbers and the set of all the decimals, both the rationals and the irrationals? That is, can we make a list of all the decimal numbers? Cantor showed that you can't. Not merely that we don't know how, but that it can't be done. Look, suppose you claim you have made a list of all the decimals. I'm going to show you that you didn't succeed, by producing a decimal that is not on your list. I'll construct my decimal one place at a time. For the first decimal place of my ______, I'll look at the first decimal _____ of your first number. If it's a one, I'll make mine a two; otherwise I'll make mine a one. For the second place of my number, I'll look at the second place of your second number. Again, if yours is a one, I'll make mine a two, and otherwise I'll make mine a one. See how this is going? The decimal I've ________ can't be on your list. Why? Could it be, say, your 143rd number? No, because the 143rd place of my _______ is different from the 143rd place of your 143rd number. I made it that way. Your list is __________. It doesn't contain my decimal number. And, no matter what list you give me, I can do the same thing, and produce a decimal that's not on that list. So we're faced with this astounding conclusion: The decimal numbers cannot be put on a list. They represent a bigger infinity that the ________ of whole numbers. So, even though we're familiar with only a few irrationals, like square root of two and pi, the infinity of ___________ is actually _______ than the infinity of fractions. Someone once said that the rationals — the fractions — are like the stars in the night sky. The irrationals are like the blackness. Cantor also showed that, for any infinite set, forming a new set made of all the subsets of the ________ set represents a bigger infinity than that original set. This _____ that, once you have one infinity, you can always make a ______ one by ______ the set of all _______ of that first set. And then an even bigger one by making the set of all the subsets of that one. And so on. And so, there are an infinite number of infinities of different sizes. If these _____ make you uncomfortable, you are not alone. Some of the greatest mathematicians of Cantor's day were very upset with this stuff. They tried to make these different infinities __________, to make mathematics work without them somehow. Cantor was even ________ personally, and it got so bad for him that he suffered severe depression, and spent the last half of his life in and out of mental institutions. But eventually, his ideas won out. Today, they're considered fundamental and magnificent. All ________ ______________ accept these ideas, every college math major learns them, and I've explained them to you in a few _______. Some day, perhaps, they'll be common knowledge. There's more. We just pointed out that the set of decimal numbers — that is, the real numbers — is a bigger infinity than the set of whole numbers. Cantor wondered whether there are infinities of different sizes between these two infinities. He didn't believe there were, but couldn't prove it. Cantor's conjecture became known as the continuum hypothesis. In 1900, the great _____________ David Hilbert listed the continuum hypothesis as the most important unsolved _______ in mathematics. The 20th century saw a resolution of this problem, but in a completely unexpected, paradigm-shattering way. In the 1920s, Kurt Gödel showed that you can never prove that the continuum __________ is false. Then, in the 1960s, Paul J. Cohen ______ that you can never _____ that the continuum hypothesis is true. Taken together, these results mean that there are unanswerable questions in mathematics. A very stunning conclusion. Mathematics is _______ __________ the pinnacle of human reasoning, but we now know that even mathematics has its ___________. Still, mathematics has some truly amazing things for us to think about.


  1. fractions
  2. clever
  3. match
  4. counting
  5. fraction
  6. prove
  7. upper
  8. fourth
  9. incomplete
  10. rightly
  11. irrationals
  12. vilified
  13. stone
  14. bottom
  15. starting
  16. irrelevant
  17. greater
  18. teacher
  19. words
  20. means
  21. number
  22. original
  23. obvious
  24. limitations
  25. problem
  26. elements
  27. convince
  28. research
  29. showed
  30. considered
  31. infinity
  32. square
  33. setting
  34. mathematician
  35. produced
  36. decimal
  37. making
  38. place
  39. minutes
  40. hypothesis
  41. ideas
  42. mathematicians
  43. subsets
  44. numbers
  45. bigger

Original Text

When I was in fourth grade, my teacher said to us one day: "There are as many even numbers as there are numbers." "Really?", I thought. Well, yeah, there are infinitely many of both, so I suppose there are the same number of them. But even numbers are only part of the whole numbers, all the odd numbers are left over, so there's got to be more whole numbers than even numbers, right? To see what my teacher was getting at, let's first think about what it means for two sets to be the same size. What do I mean when I say I have the same number of fingers on my right hand as I do on left hand? Of course, I have five fingers on each, but it's actually simpler than that. I don't have to count, I only need to see that I can match them up, one to one. In fact, we think that some ancient people who spoke languages that didn't have words for numbers greater than three used this sort of magic. For instance, if you let your sheep out of a pen to graze, you can keep track of how many went out by setting aside a stone for each one, and putting those stones back one by one when the sheep return, so you know if any are missing without really counting. As another example of matching being more fundamental than counting, if I'm speaking to a packed auditorium, where every seat is taken and no one is standing, I know that there are the same number of chairs as people in the audience, even though I don't know how many there are of either. So, what we really mean when we say that two sets are the same size is that the elements in those sets can be matched up one by one in some way. My fourth grade teacher showed us the whole numbers laid out in a row, and below each we have its double. As you can see, the bottom row contains all the even numbers, and we have a one-to-one match. That is, there are as many even numbers as there are numbers. But what still bothers us is our distress over the fact that even numbers seem to be only part of the whole numbers. But does this convince you that I don't have the same number of fingers on my right hand as I do on my left? Of course not. It doesn't matter if you try to match the elements in some way and it doesn't work, that doesn't convince us of anything. If you can find one way in which the elements of two sets do match up, then we say those two sets have the same number of elements. Can you make a list of all the fractions? This might be hard, there are a lot of fractions! And it's not obvious what to put first, or how to be sure all of them are on the list. Nevertheless, there is a very clever way that we can make a list of all the fractions. This was first done by Georg Cantor, in the late eighteen hundreds. First, we put all the fractions into a grid. They're all there. For instance, you can find, say, 117/243, in the 117th row and 243rd column. Now we make a list out of this by starting at the upper left and sweeping back and forth diagonally, skipping over any fraction, like 2/2, that represents the same number as one the we've already picked. We get a list of all the fractions, which means we've created a one-to-one match between the whole numbers and the fractions, despite the fact that we thought maybe there ought to be more fractions. OK, here's where it gets really interesting. You may know that not all real numbers — that is, not all the numbers on a number line — are fractions. The square root of two and pi, for instance. Any number like this is called irrational. Not because it's crazy, or anything, but because the fractions are ratios of whole numbers, and so are called rationals; meaning the rest are non-rational, that is, irrational. Irrationals are represented by infinite, non-repeating decimals. So, can we make a one-to-one match between the whole numbers and the set of all the decimals, both the rationals and the irrationals? That is, can we make a list of all the decimal numbers? Cantor showed that you can't. Not merely that we don't know how, but that it can't be done. Look, suppose you claim you have made a list of all the decimals. I'm going to show you that you didn't succeed, by producing a decimal that is not on your list. I'll construct my decimal one place at a time. For the first decimal place of my number, I'll look at the first decimal place of your first number. If it's a one, I'll make mine a two; otherwise I'll make mine a one. For the second place of my number, I'll look at the second place of your second number. Again, if yours is a one, I'll make mine a two, and otherwise I'll make mine a one. See how this is going? The decimal I've produced can't be on your list. Why? Could it be, say, your 143rd number? No, because the 143rd place of my decimal is different from the 143rd place of your 143rd number. I made it that way. Your list is incomplete. It doesn't contain my decimal number. And, no matter what list you give me, I can do the same thing, and produce a decimal that's not on that list. So we're faced with this astounding conclusion: The decimal numbers cannot be put on a list. They represent a bigger infinity that the infinity of whole numbers. So, even though we're familiar with only a few irrationals, like square root of two and pi, the infinity of irrationals is actually greater than the infinity of fractions. Someone once said that the rationals — the fractions — are like the stars in the night sky. The irrationals are like the blackness. Cantor also showed that, for any infinite set, forming a new set made of all the subsets of the original set represents a bigger infinity than that original set. This means that, once you have one infinity, you can always make a bigger one by making the set of all subsets of that first set. And then an even bigger one by making the set of all the subsets of that one. And so on. And so, there are an infinite number of infinities of different sizes. If these ideas make you uncomfortable, you are not alone. Some of the greatest mathematicians of Cantor's day were very upset with this stuff. They tried to make these different infinities irrelevant, to make mathematics work without them somehow. Cantor was even vilified personally, and it got so bad for him that he suffered severe depression, and spent the last half of his life in and out of mental institutions. But eventually, his ideas won out. Today, they're considered fundamental and magnificent. All research mathematicians accept these ideas, every college math major learns them, and I've explained them to you in a few minutes. Some day, perhaps, they'll be common knowledge. There's more. We just pointed out that the set of decimal numbers — that is, the real numbers — is a bigger infinity than the set of whole numbers. Cantor wondered whether there are infinities of different sizes between these two infinities. He didn't believe there were, but couldn't prove it. Cantor's conjecture became known as the continuum hypothesis. In 1900, the great mathematician David Hilbert listed the continuum hypothesis as the most important unsolved problem in mathematics. The 20th century saw a resolution of this problem, but in a completely unexpected, paradigm-shattering way. In the 1920s, Kurt Gödel showed that you can never prove that the continuum hypothesis is false. Then, in the 1960s, Paul J. Cohen showed that you can never prove that the continuum hypothesis is true. Taken together, these results mean that there are unanswerable questions in mathematics. A very stunning conclusion. Mathematics is rightly considered the pinnacle of human reasoning, but we now know that even mathematics has its limitations. Still, mathematics has some truly amazing things for us to think about.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
continuum hypothesis 4
bigger infinity 3
real numbers 2
square root 2
decimal place 2
decimal numbers 2
original set 2

Important Words

  1. accept
  2. amazing
  3. ancient
  4. astounding
  5. audience
  6. auditorium
  7. bad
  8. bigger
  9. blackness
  10. bothers
  11. bottom
  12. called
  13. cantor
  14. century
  15. chairs
  16. claim
  17. clever
  18. cohen
  19. college
  20. column
  21. common
  22. completely
  23. conclusion
  24. conjecture
  25. considered
  26. construct
  27. continuum
  28. convince
  29. count
  30. counting
  31. crazy
  32. created
  33. david
  34. day
  35. decimal
  36. decimals
  37. depression
  38. diagonally
  39. distress
  40. double
  41. eighteen
  42. elements
  43. eventually
  44. explained
  45. faced
  46. fact
  47. false
  48. familiar
  49. find
  50. fingers
  51. forming
  52. fourth
  53. fraction
  54. fractions
  55. fundamental
  56. georg
  57. give
  58. grade
  59. graze
  60. great
  61. greater
  62. greatest
  63. grid
  64. gödel
  65. hand
  66. hard
  67. hilbert
  68. human
  69. hundreds
  70. hypothesis
  71. ideas
  72. important
  73. incomplete
  74. infinite
  75. infinitely
  76. infinities
  77. infinity
  78. instance
  79. institutions
  80. interesting
  81. irrational
  82. irrationals
  83. irrelevant
  84. knowledge
  85. kurt
  86. laid
  87. languages
  88. late
  89. learns
  90. left
  91. life
  92. limitations
  93. line
  94. list
  95. listed
  96. lot
  97. magic
  98. magnificent
  99. major
  100. making
  101. match
  102. matched
  103. matching
  104. math
  105. mathematician
  106. mathematicians
  107. mathematics
  108. matter
  109. meaning
  110. means
  111. mental
  112. minutes
  113. missing
  114. night
  115. number
  116. numbers
  117. obvious
  118. odd
  119. original
  120. packed
  121. part
  122. paul
  123. pen
  124. people
  125. personally
  126. pi
  127. picked
  128. pinnacle
  129. place
  130. pointed
  131. problem
  132. produce
  133. produced
  134. producing
  135. prove
  136. put
  137. putting
  138. questions
  139. rationals
  140. ratios
  141. real
  142. reasoning
  143. represent
  144. represented
  145. represents
  146. research
  147. resolution
  148. rest
  149. results
  150. return
  151. rightly
  152. root
  153. row
  154. seat
  155. set
  156. sets
  157. setting
  158. severe
  159. sheep
  160. show
  161. showed
  162. simpler
  163. size
  164. sizes
  165. skipping
  166. sky
  167. sort
  168. speaking
  169. spent
  170. spoke
  171. square
  172. standing
  173. stars
  174. starting
  175. stone
  176. stones
  177. stuff
  178. stunning
  179. subsets
  180. succeed
  181. suffered
  182. suppose
  183. sweeping
  184. teacher
  185. thought
  186. time
  187. today
  188. track
  189. true
  190. unanswerable
  191. uncomfortable
  192. unexpected
  193. unsolved
  194. upper
  195. upset
  196. vilified
  197. won
  198. wondered
  199. words
  200. work
  201. yeah